27 July 2015
Click on article to enlarge and read Solomon Star's "Solomon Gold Chocolate".
26 May 2015
Click on article to enlarge and read Pacific Periscope's article ‘Solomons Gold’ chocolate bars launched in NZ' published 26 May 2015
30 April 2015
Click on article to enlarge and read The New Zealand Heral article "Choc Lovers Offered Healthier Option"
February 2015
Fly Solomons - Local Destination - Issue 68 Inflight Magazine
30 September 2014
6 June 2014
November 2013
February 2011
Click on the article on the left to enlarge and read September 2014 article "Our Very Own First Chocolate" from Solomon Star.
Click the article on left to go to Bay of Plenty Times, New Zealand, to read article "Firm on Track for Producing Pure Chocolate" featuring our NZ General Manager, Glen Yeatman.
Click on the article on the left to enlarge and read November 2013 issue of New Zealand Food Innovation Network Newsletter article.
Click on the article on the left to enlarge and read February 2010 article from Solomon Star.